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OB Anesthesia
 Adam Wendling, MD - University of Florida

Saturday, Feb. 5
10:30 AM

Session Description:

Together we will review old and new controversies in obstetric anesthesia with the over-arching aim to improve maternal capacity to make informed decisions regarding her mode of anesthesia for her delivery. We will answer does the mode or timing of analgesia impact the route of delivery? How does epidural analgesia impact maternal temperature and does maternal epidural analgesia impact neonatal neurologic outcome? How does the use of maternal analgesia impact the success of breastfeeding? Does the timing of spinal anesthesia for cesarean delivery impact fetal oxygen delivery?

Learning Objectives:

  1. Discuss controversies including impact of maternal anesthesia modes on routes of delivery, breast feeding success and maternal fever;
  2.  Evaluate unresolved controversies including mode of maternal anesthesia and neonatal neurologic outcome; 
  3. Critically evaluate emerging research to better inform maternal choices on modes of anesthesia

Adam Wendling, MD has no financial relationships to disclose. He will not discuss products which he had a role in developing. He will not include a discussion of off label uses of commercial products and/or unapproved investigational use of any product.

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